At Oxide, our mission, principles, and values are not mere corporate bromides; they comprise the emotional, moral, ethical and spiritual core of our company - they are the soul of Oxide.

Our Mission
"Kick butt, have fun, don't cheat, love our customers and change computing forever."
If this sounds familiar, it's because it's essentially Scott McNealy's coda for Sun Microsystems.
But we use this mission not because it happens to have been Sun's but because it is ours: it is a concise expression of why we're here and how we operate. So what does this mean, exactly?
We believe in working hard to deliver a kick-butt product, experience and company. We are by nature a competitive company, but we compete by offering a better alternative, not by denigrating or otherwise undercutting the competition.
We believe that work is most fulfilling when it is fun – and that a good sense of humor is essential for humility in the good times and endurance in the lean ones.
We believe in playing by the rules of the game, abiding by both their letter and their spirit. If we don't like the rules, we work openly and collaboratively to improve them.
We recognize that our customers take a risk on us, and we love them for it. We work to deliver products that they will love in turn – and if and when our products fall short, our love for our customers trumps our own ego.
Computing is our shared passion; our calling is to advance the state of the art, bringing those advances to the broadest possible audience.
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Our Principles
Principles are fundamental, universal truths that transcend time, geography, culture and context.
These principles are not aspirations, they are constraints; we expect them to be the marrow of all Oxide employees and adhered to under all conditions.
Principles are meaningless without the integrity to uphold them; we view our integrity as our single-most important principle. We do not sacrifice our principles for expediency or comfort.
We seek and tell the truth, even where those truths are painful or inconvenient. We abide by the spirit of the truth, not merely its letter; we do not hide falsehoods in language that is technically true or otherwise misleading.
We treat others with dignity, be they colleague, customer, community or competitor.

Our Values
Unlike principles, values indicate relative importance: they are objectives rather than constraints, and can come into tension with one another.
Indeed, many of these values can become pathological when taken to an illogical extreme; absolute adherence to a particular value should never trump prudence.